Read Mayor Woodfin’s 2020 Proposed Budget

Download your copy of the Mayor’s FY 2020 proposals for the Operating Budget and Capital Budget. You can also watch the Mayor present the budget proposal to the Council.

Key Points about the 2020 Budget

Neighborhood Revitalization

Our top priority is neighborhood revitalization. This proposed budget increases funds to achieve that priority.

Street Paving – $8 million

Demolition and Weed Abatement – $4.75 million

Code Enforcement – $500,000

Land Bank – $1 million

Total: $14.25 million for neighborhood revitalization


This budget represents the city’s commitment to the 4,000 employees that provide services to our residents.

Pension – $5.8 million increase

Merit Raise – $3 million

Longevity Pay – $2 million

Increased Healthcare Cost – $3 million

Total: $13.8 million